The Hull Health Trials Unit (HHTU) is a collaboration between Hull York Medical School (HYMS), the University of Hull and Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH). It has been established to facilitate collaboration between clinicians and researchers on the design, delivery and analysis of high quality, high impact health research. We offer a range of practical and specialist support to help investigators across a range of disciplines with all stages of your study.
The latest HHTU news
- August 2024// 3 new projects open in the Data Safe Haven // PRE-DX moves towards analysis
- July 2024// 20 ICTMC Abstracts Accepted
- June 2024// MABEL Investigator Meeting // HHTU Director presents at patient meeting // Annual Toolkit Submitted
- May 2024// Recruiting 2 TMs // 2 studies get greenlight // TM presents at a conference // MOI-A recruits first participant // Chair of UKCRC group appointed