Clinical Trials and Studies

Clinical Trials and Studies

HHTU has a growing portfolio of studies at various stages of the research process – design, funding application, set-up and management. We work with a mixture of internal and external collaborators across a range of disease areas. We have demonstrated added value through the successful award of collaborative research grants, including NIHR-funded programmes of research.

We have and are collaborating with PIs all across the country to set up and run their studies, including many within the Hull area. We are also now starting to work internationally with our first partnership with an Italian team. Within all these studies we manage sites extremely widespread throughout the UK and soon to be Europe.

See the table below for the current portfolio of studies the HHTU is leading and collaborating on.

The table can be filtered using the search box or sorted by clicking the column headers.

Study NameDisease AreaFunderStatus
ACESOBowel DiseaseIn set up
BREEZE 2RespiratoryIn set up
COPD Cardio ProtectRespiratoryAstra ZenecaIn set up
FanFIRSTRespiratoryNIHR RfPBRecruiting
DOORStepCancer / Early DiagnosisYorkshire Cancer ResearchRecruiting
CANFitCancer Yorkshire Cancer ResearchRecruiting
MOI-ARare DiseaseUKRI Recruiting
STARLITEndocrinologyMedical Research CouncilSTARLIT 1: Analysis/publication
STARLIT 2: Recruiting
STARLIT 3: In set up
ProACTIVE AlcoholNIHR HSDRProACTIVE WP1: Analysis/publication
ProACTIVE WP2: Recruiting
ProACTIVE WP3: In set up
ProACTIVE WP4: In set up
SENTINEL QUALRespiratoryAstra ZenecaAnalysis/publication
PRE-DXCancer (breast)Exact SciencesAnalysis/publication
MABELRespiratoryNIHR HTAAnalysis/publication
REDUCEMental Health / Primary CareNIHR PGfARAnalysis/publication
EXAC-QUALRespiratoryAstra ZenecaAnalysis/publication
FASTerMental HealthOPCC and Y&H CRNAnalysis/publication
CHAMPIONRespiratoryNIHR RfPBAnalysis/publication
NEWDAY ABCCancer (breast)Yorkshire Cancer ResearchAnalysis/publication
LIPSCancer (blood)Blood Cancer UKAnalysis/publication
BREEZE-IPFRespiratoryNIHR RfPBAnalysis/publication
BREATHERespiratoryNIHR RfPBClosed