Meet the team

Meet the team

Senior Management Team

The senior management team oversee and manage the functioning of the Hull Health Trials Unit. As well as advising and assisting with funding applications and overseeing the conduct and delivery of HHTU trials.

Prof Judith CohenHHTU Director
John TurgooseInformation Systems Manager
Bronwen WilliamsOperations Manager

Trial Management Team

The trial management team are responsible, along with the projects Chief Investigator, for the day-to-day management of clinical trials. This includes conducting central and on-site monitoring ensuring data quality and compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and GDPR.

Dr Matthew NorthgravesTrial Manager / SWAT Lead
Dr Kathryn DateTrial Manager
Dr Mahboobeh Haji-SadeghiTrial Manager
Martina SantarelliTrial Manager
Saphsa CodlingTrial Manager
Dr Philippa CaseTrial Manager
Dr Alex BullockTrial Manager
VacancyTrial Manager
VacancyTrial Manager
Paul BradleyTrial Coordinator
Charlotte ThompsonTrial Coordinator
Amy BrombyTrial Coordinator
Kerri MorrisTrial Administrator

Data Management Team

The data management team oversee the collection of trial data and ensure it is accurate. They are responsible for building electronic data capture systems, resolving data queries with clinicians and nurses at trial sites, and generating data outputs and reports. As well as managing access to systems and ensuring compliance with information governance laws.

Sarah SumpterSenior Data Manager
Phillip Best Data Manager
Beccy AcasterData Manager
Laura SimmsData Manager
Amy PorterData Support Administrator

Trial Statistics Team

The trial statistics team work with investigators to develop trial ideas and are responsible for statistical aspects of trial design, data collection, analysis and reporting results.

Dr Chao HuangStatistician
Prof Alan RigbyStatistician
Lukas PitelStatistician

Quality Assurance

Kerryann JamesQuality Assurance Manager