Studies Within A Trial (SWATs) and Methodological research

What is a SWAT?

As described in Trial Forge Guidance 1: what is a Study Within A Trial (SWAT)? (Treweek et al, 2018) a SWAT is a self-contained research study that has been embedded within a host trial with the aim of evaluating or exploring alternative ways of delivering or organising a particular trial process.

HHTU involvement in SWATs and Methodological research

The Hull Health Trials Unit are part of the Trial Forge Network (https://www.trialforge.org/2021/06/swat_network/) and currently have recruitment and retention SWATs included in a number of our trials and studies.   Further details will be added they are completed.

Dissemination of SWATs and Methodological research

P-323 Use of Electronic Data Capture in acute clinical settings: experiences from two recent studies. Dr Matthew Northgraves, Ms Bronwen Williams, Mrs Sarah Sumpter, Mr John Turgoose, Dr Ann Hutchinson, Prof. Thomas Phillips, Dr Judith Cohen
In Sydes, Matthew, Gillies, Katie, & Williamson, Paula. (2023). ICTMC 2022: 6th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference — book of abstracts. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7741866